Yoga Through My Day – Mini Workshop with Aleksandra Tanasic

Yoga-Through-My-Day-Bodylight studio

With Aleksandra Tanasic
Guest Teacher at Bodylight studio

This workshop is designed to help women of all ages,
backgrounds and abilities find an easy and natural way to self- nourish and infuse “mini yoga” pauses through the day.
Learn to move gracefully and express our body’s potential playfully anytime and everywhere.
You’ll learn how to draw attention and awareness to body, posture and movement.

Aleksandra Tanasic is the founder of YTMD
And devides her time between Europe and NZ
teaching workshops and running retreats.

Saturday 27 April 10 am - 12 pm
$50 for the workshop and Chai

Fully booked
Email us
for details about the next one.

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